December 21, 2007
Melly Clistmas, you plicks
Anyway, Have a great holiday people.
December 20, 2007
I couldn't get away...
December 19, 2007
Christmas Story Preview...
December 14, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...The Return

So apparently there is a new link in town helping to guide the Manayunk Nightlife. is the new kid on the block. We right now are neutral on how they are. We have been too busy to give it a through going over but it seems promising. So check it out.
My boy, David Duong, got engaged. Buy him a shot tonight when he plays at Flat Rock Saloon.
And here is the rest of your options. for Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here. . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
Preview from the forthcoming edition of The Review...
November 28, 2007
I wish I was in Dixie...
November 26, 2007
Random Notes....
But anyway, some important notes that should be made.
DAMN THE MAN, SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD...Those in favor of so-called progress have been gaining the upper hand. The Zoning board has approved Venice One; the Manayunk Neighborhood Council will be appealing that one. Bully for them. Secondly, it looks like Germany Hill will be the target of rape by developers. The area has been a hidden piece of green space for more than 60 years. Should be some fireworks on this one.
HOLIDAY HEROICS...This Year's Christmas Story manuscript is freshly completed. It goes before a secret editing committee before submission to the Executive editor. It comes to a whopping 13-page, 7,038 word count. Its author, i.e. ME, feels that serialization may be an option. But we'll check with our illustrator to smooth out any deadline rushes. The storyline is still being kept under wraps but is titled "Nightmare on Noel" So far, reactions from the editing committee have been positive.
AND WE DANCED...We got to see one of favorite bands over the weekend at the Electric Factory, The Hooters. A great band out of Philadelphia and a huge influence on my life. The band and their opening act, The A's sounded great. Even the new stuff is good. After the show, guests got a copy of the new album Time Stands Still. And most exciting is that Pierre Robert of WMMR took a sound bite of me asking how the show was.
So anyway, back to work...
November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving...

Enjoy your meals and remember to give thanks to those who provided, cooked and served. While you sit and watch football remember about those who can't. Enough preaching, hoped you enjoyed our little excerpt; still needs a little editing I know but it is turning out well and the artwork will be crackerjack. See you back here on Friday.
November 20, 2007
Exclusive Christmas Story excerpt...

It was just before the impact that broke his nose that Jake realized that Christmas was more of a hassle than a holiday. For Jake, it was planned a simple get in-wait in an incredibly long and winding line-get out maneuver that everyone experiences when shopping at the last minute. Jake had not counted on fisticuffs with an apparently desperate housefrau and her bowling ball bag.
“Gahwah!” was the only thing Jake could say at impact.
This year’s popular craze was these life-like dolls called Wannabes. It was the absolute rage. These dolls were highly detailed (in every respect) and came in small batches and even family groups. Also, every doll wears a piece a jewelry with the same red-green crystal. The great upscale collectible maker, Lennox, was stumped as to how something so meticulously made be so affordable for the holiday.
Jake was only home from University for a few weeks and this is how had he ended up only a few short hours of coming home. Jake looked down at himself. Blood had started to dribble from his swollen nose.
“Here, my dear boy, I think you are in need of this,” said a man.
He was holding out a white handkerchief to him. There was something in the man’s kindly expression that made Jake accept the offering.
“I saw the whole thing,” the man continued as Jake worked to staunch the bleeding, “I say, you look like a hacked up Marty McFly, what a tragedy.”
Jake felt a little dizzy. The man helped steady him.
“Hold on, let’s get you looked at,” said the man.
The man drove Jake to the emergency room at Roxborough Memorial Hospital. Not much in the way of conversation in the man’s car unless on counted the man repeating orders of “Keep your head tilted!” “Keep the pressure on!” and “Don’t worry about bleeding on my car seat!”
The man continued his silence while waiting at the hospital. He had a brooding expression on his face. The man looked up when the nurse called Jake’s name. The man walked ahead of Jake and had a few words. The two conspired like old friends; the nurse looked over a Jake and chuckled.
“Oh my, that injury won’t be hidden by any amount of make-up,” said the nurse, looking at Jake’s swollen proboscis. “This way, sir. Everything has been taken care of by your gentleman friend.”
Jake turned as the mysterious gentleman was making his way out of the hospital.
“Who are you,” asked Jake.
“Oh, dig deep enough and you’ll find out,” said the man. “A demain”
The man left twirling his walking stick. Jake reach into his pocket for his cell phone and felt an object that wasn’t there earlier. It was a business card that read:
Roxborough-Manayunk Herald Tribune, Sebastian Collins, editor and business address a few blocks from the hospital.
Jake walked out into the early evening. Since it was after business hours, there was no use going to the office listed on the card and Jake was not ready to go home he did the only thing a college senior could do: he went to the bar.
With Turkey Day just a speed bump until Chrismahanakwanzakah, thought I'd share some Holiday spirit. It is turning out to a crackerjack of an adventure.
November 16, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...Contemplative Edition

This piece from the LOLCats reminds us of how bare our own walls here at The Review editorial office is right now. Between getting stories done, this years Christmas Fiction piece and generally going out of my skull. I hope to get something up on the walls by New Year's Eve. I grow tired of the Absurdist-like lavender walls and the single clock that hangs on it.
But enough of the state of affairs here, This is the FINAL weekend in which you can catch Myself, Andorra's Kathy Leslie and The Review's own editor George E. Beetham, Jr. performing in An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde. It is a very witty and highly enjoyable show that is full of laughs, drama and sex appeal. And if that doesn't get you, there is a man in a kilt as well. So give you liver some rest and take in some culture in East Falls this weekend.
If our not so very interested, here is your usual mixers, for Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
November 15, 2007
Taking care of business...
November 9, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...Authentic Irish Edition

So anyway, got a press release from these kooky Celtic experience peddlers this week. Apparently, they added a new chef and have revamped their menu at the Headhouse Square location. This new menu will also apparently also be creeping up to Manayunk in the future (when all's well.)
We often get things from this organization quite often mostly about their second tier locations. What got our attention is that the new company chef is Mr. Brian Duffy. Duffy, once a Food Network talking head, was also the executive chef at the defunct Sonoma in Manayunk. (Sonoma is now been transformed into Derek's) Often the chefs of Kansas City Prime would often jeer the man out of ear shot. Now, not knowing him enough to slag him off here, I reserve my judgement until after I have tried his new additions. I do thank him for getting the "DeBella DeBurger" off of the menu. While it was a tasty morsel, it doesn't do justice to such a complex and mouthwatering mountain of a man.
And speaking about the Irish, Myself (partly Irish), Kathy Leslie (Very, very Irish) and George E. Beetham Jr. (Not so very Irish) are performing in An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde. It is a very witty and highly enjoyable show that is full of laughs, drama and sex appeal. And if that doesn't get you, there is a man in a kilt as well. So give you liver some rest and take in some culture in East Falls this weekend.
If our not so very interested, here is your usual collection of assorted bangers and mash, for Grape St., click here. For (new and improved) Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
November 2, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...An Ideally shameless edition!

October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween...
So here we are again celebrating Samhain once more. It definitely one of the most underrated celebrations in our civilization (especially since rampant consumerism has been pushing Christmas since August.)
But so far, I have been not very impressed with the outfits this year. Over the weekend, I counted at least eight Elvises, a half dozen Supermen, a gross of cops and equally as many criminals.
But there was a glimmer of hope dear reader, there were a number of impressive home made pieces worthy of mention such as a God (white wig and beard with red robe) although he should gone with the Moses motif. He did look more like Heston from the Ten Commandments. But there were also memorable other such as the Green Fly ( a women in tightly wrapped green Saran wrap.) and the Devil with the Blue Dress on. (No explanation needed.) It is also exciting to note that Miss Devil here also works at the Old Eagle Tavern on Friday nights.
Of course, some people got a dressed a little early but were still major hits such as this gentleman letting people know that it is in fact "Peanut Butter-Jelly Time".
But so far, the most enjoyable thing about this Halloween so far is the lack of angst and antagonism that seemed the permeate the last few years. For example, I saw the aftermath of a college boy being thrown through a window by some local kids. Very messy. SO far, no reports of such behavior. Let's keep it that way.
October 26, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...

Certainly, feels like one of those weeks again. Whatever shall I do? Well, to me if finally feels like October and what comes after the grand Oktoberfest? Well, All Hallow's Eve, Samhain, Hallowe'en or Halloween, if you will. It is a great time to fight the demons in our likes or if you prefer get dressed up and make fools of ourselves. I say, well done to the former and latter. Do not hesitate to get dressed up this weekend and frequent your local watering hole. You may just end up here.
This weekend is jammed packed of things to do. Mostly, dress rehearsals at the Old Academy. An Ideal Husband opens next weekend, so exciting.
But my personal tradition for the day of Halloween, these days, is to get a bag of candy, some popcorn and a bottle of beer, wine, liquor, soda-pop or whatever and watch horror films all day.
But let us know your Halloween traditions, and here are your listings. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
And now we leave you with another plug for my talented cousin, Asa Jennings. It is the title track off his forthcoming album, "My own worst enemy"
October 25, 2007
The picture they didn't want you to see...
October 24, 2007
What a talented family I have...

Here is a single from his forthcoming album titled: "Tomorrow"
and also "with the jones..."
Also we'll be checking in with Skin Radio and see what changes have been going on in their sphere.
Roxborough High will be having an open house tonight, hosted by that famed politico, State Rep. Kathy Manderino.
And what bank is changing their tag line...?
This and more of that will be in next week's edition of The Review...
"Your Majesty, you look just like the piss boy."
So today, I heard the news about how City Council might raise the fine for public urination and defecation and that most of the pertinent testimony came from Manayunk.
But apparently, there is other conduct going on in public that I have not been aware of. That there has been public displays of fornication. Since I heard about this news early in the morning before my work and second breakfast afterward, my first thought as a single male bachelor was: "Why haven't I been invited?"
But all kidding aside, I admit to a modicum of rowdiness in my college years and plead the fifth amendment in doing anything untoward and now was a person charged with security of a Main St. establishment, I agree this behavior is atrocious. I hope I wasn't as awful and petulant as some of the people I've met at the door at my bar during my days at Dear Ol' State.
And on the issue of public sex, as a horny teenager, that may have been exciting to me once, but now seems crass and quite filthy. This isn't the fifty yard line at Beaver Stadium or the Pattee Stack folks, can you kids wait til you get back to your overpriced apartment? I mean how drunk, desperate and horny of an exhibitionist do you have to be to get lucky in public. Now, I really understand why State College 'townies' dislike Penn State students. Fortunately, Manayunk does not need a large student population to keep its commercial districts thriving.
Hopefully, have more on this story as it progresses.
Back in the black...and stopping "The Great Wall of Manayunk"

October 19, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...Express Edition

October 15, 2007
October 12, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...

Also it is Manayunk Second Saturday, and in honor of October, this event will have a Harvest festival flare throughout the day. Events include dessert tasting, best recipe, sales, and music.
Speaking of Music, Skin Radio, will be having their Fall Arts and Music Festival in Pretzel Park on Saturday as well.
October 11, 2007
Loads of winners from 'round here...

This is a Drill, a fire drill...
Last night, Member of the Philadelphia Fire Department's Engine 39 and Ladder 30 Companies with help from Boy Scout Troop 114 handed out fire safety literature to residents on Fountain St. The city-wide fire drill is part of National Fire Prevention Week which seeks to reduce the number of fire fatalities and injuries down through raising awareness.
October 10, 2007
October 8, 2007
October 5, 2007
Weekend Whirligig...UPDATED
And welcome back to the Weekend Whirligig.
And of course, our man, David Duong , the one man Tokyo Jukebox is back in business entertaining the new crop of college carousers. So drop on by the Flat Rock Saloon on Saturday night for some good tunes, food and music. Recently, FRS owner Bob recently go zoning permission to open an additional floor, so that means more space for hanging out at one of the best bars on Main St., Manayunk. WHOOT!
Anyway, here are your usual suspects. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
Remember, because of changing calenders through history, Oktoberfest actually ends this weekend and don't forget to toast Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig (later Ludwig I) and his wife Therese for bringing this holiday to everyone.
Additionally, we are always interested in hearing your stories and tips about watering holes and talented entertainment. You can comment or even stop by the Flat Rock. Look for the well-dressed bouncer.