October 24, 2007

"Your Majesty, you look just like the piss boy."

So today, I heard the news about how City Council might raise the fine for public urination and defecation and that most of the pertinent testimony came from Manayunk.

But apparently, there is other conduct going on in public that I have not been aware of. That there has been public displays of fornication. Since I heard about this news early in the morning before my work and second breakfast afterward, my first thought as a single male bachelor was: "Why haven't I been invited?"

But all kidding aside, I admit to a modicum of rowdiness in my college years and plead the fifth amendment in doing anything untoward and now was a person charged with security of a Main St. establishment, I agree this behavior is atrocious. I hope I wasn't as awful and petulant as some of the people I've met at the door at my bar during my days at Dear Ol' State.

And on the issue of public sex, as a horny teenager, that may have been exciting to me once, but now seems crass and quite filthy. This isn't the fifty yard line at Beaver Stadium or the Pattee Stack folks, can you kids wait til you get back to your overpriced apartment? I mean how drunk, desperate and horny of an exhibitionist do you have to be to get lucky in public. Now, I really understand why State College 'townies' dislike Penn State students. Fortunately, Manayunk does not need a large student population to keep its commercial districts thriving.

Hopefully, have more on this story as it progresses.

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