So with the many other bloggers and media mouthpieces moaning on about how much the news reminds them of a bygone era.
If you hadn't noticed, or perhaps have been in denial/coma/cave in Tora Bora, OJ Simpson has been arrested again on some pretty serious results. And on the flip side, Hillary Clinton is peddling her Universal Health Coverage program again. All we needed was another baseball strike and we really would be like 1994.
But thankfully, it is really nothing like 1994. In those days, the Soviet Union lie in fresh ruins, terrorism was a far from the media eye (except for a failed attack at the World Trade Center in New York a year ago, and some trouble in Northern Ireland and Israel), Osama Bin Laden was perhaps some new special at the corner bodegas and Republicans took control of Congress.
Today, Democrats barely hold control, Russia has a strong bad-ass liking leader, people faint at the sight of a turban (in Nebraska) and television has more bubble-headed bleach blonds than even Don Henley imagined.
Of course, in 1994, I was in a grade school that I hated, pining for a girl I could never have. I was way too smart for my own good. I had no fashion sense whatsoever. and had no money. Now, I am in a job that I enjoy own by a company no one likes and I am still pining for a girl I can never have. Still make little money, Plus ça change...,
but it is not that bad. The school I hated then is closed for good, the girl I pine for acknowledges my presence. (She even had her picture taken with me, yay!) I am still way too smart but am well respected for what I do. And I have a keen sense of fashion that is often noted by the public. (As seen from photo with the girl I still pine for.)

So in conclusion: 1994: bad, 2007: fair to moderate.
So with the many other bloggers and media mouthpieces moaning on about how much the news reminds them of a bygone era.
Well that just sets the whole tone doesn't it? That's not even english! I am honestly surprised you made it out of high school english, let alone into a writing job. I mean seriously man, get a grip. And I'm happy you think that the state our world is in compared to 1994 is fair to moderate . Just because you were an outcast, and couldn't dress, obviously 1994 was horribly worse than now... where our troops are dying daily in a war we don't support, we have a government that can't govern its way out of a paper bag, and GOOD media is censored, whereas bad media (like what you write) is allowed to blabber on about nonsense. Russia is ruled by a man who has refused to leave office to continue to the democratic process, and then we have china.... which is about all I need say about that topic. Please sir, do us all a favor, and at least take a course in basic sentence structure... and current events.
-A frustrated reader-
PS - Judging by your photo, you still have no fashion sense.
Hello, Anonymous,
Welcome to the blog. I was beginning to think I was screaming alone in the void; heard by no one, not even myself. So, I thank you for your response to this quite frivolous post. Yes, I agree, the post to which you respond is quite frivolous. I think of this particular post as a creative writing exercise. An obligatory responce to things that were passing in the daily media. As you can see, my province is more along the lines of small town reporting. And since you are no doubt already aware, there are plenty of other outlets (left or right, blue or red, high or low) to get your worldview, if you can not think of one for yourself. I do not see why I should have to give it to anybody. That is neither an apology or defense; it just simply "Is".
As to the references to my own skills of English, perhaps it may be a reflection on the state of the education system in the United States. If you would like, please interview my myriad of professors throughout my lifetime; please tell them I said "hello". I can assure you that they will tell you that I was a model student who rather keep his head in a book that cause mischief. As to my sense of fashion, I agree the suit I am wearing does need some more tailoring; but there seems to be a lack of good tailors in the neighborhood.
And lastly, "Fair to Moderate" is phrase that does not carry complimentary overtones in any of my conversations.
Now that we have had our little disagreement. Shall we scream at the void together?
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