October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween...

So here we are again celebrating Samhain once more. It definitely one of the most underrated celebrations in our civilization (especially since rampant consumerism has been pushing Christmas since August.)

But so far, I have been not very impressed with the outfits this year. Over the weekend, I counted at least eight Elvises, a half dozen Supermen, a gross of cops and equally as many criminals.

But there was a glimmer of hope dear reader, there were a number of impressive home made pieces worthy of mention such as a God (white wig and beard with red robe) although he should gone with the Moses motif. He did look more like Heston from the Ten Commandments. But there were also memorable other such as the Green Fly ( a women in tightly wrapped green Saran wrap.) and the Devil with the Blue Dress on. (No explanation needed.) It is also exciting to note that Miss Devil here also works at the Old Eagle Tavern on Friday nights.

Of course, some people got a dressed a little early but were still major hits such as this gentleman letting people know that it is in fact "Peanut Butter-Jelly Time".

But so far, the most enjoyable thing about this Halloween so far is the lack of angst and antagonism that seemed the permeate the last few years. For example, I saw the aftermath of a college boy being thrown through a window by some local kids. Very messy. SO far, no reports of such behavior. Let's keep it that way.

October 26, 2007

Weekend Whirligig...

Certainly, feels like one of those weeks again. Whatever shall I do? Well, to me if finally feels like October and what comes after the grand Oktoberfest? Well, All Hallow's Eve, Samhain, Hallowe'en or Halloween, if you will. It is a great time to fight the demons in our likes or if you prefer get dressed up and make fools of ourselves. I say, well done to the former and latter. Do not hesitate to get dressed up this weekend and frequent your local watering hole. You may just end up here.

This weekend is jammed packed of things to do. Mostly, dress rehearsals at the Old Academy. An Ideal Husband opens next weekend, so exciting.
But my personal tradition for the day of Halloween, these days, is to get a bag of candy, some popcorn and a bottle of beer, wine, liquor, soda-pop or whatever and watch horror films all day.

But let us know your Halloween traditions, and here are your listings. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .

And now we leave you with another plug for my talented cousin, Asa Jennings. It is the title track off his forthcoming album, "My own worst enemy"

October 25, 2007

The picture they didn't want you to see...

Yep, that is myself, Review editor Mr. George E. Beetham, Jr. and Miss Kathy Leslie together in a promotional picture for the upcoming Old Academy production of An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde. Opening night is Nov.2 and runs until Nov. 18. We hope to see you there, dear reader.

October 24, 2007

What a talented family I have...

Readers may remember that earlier this year, I share with everyone my time in England during the Christmas and New Years holidays. I am very pleased to have an excellent follow up to that series. This is, of course, still a work in progress.

But I do have the singular honour of introducing you people to my English cousin, Asa Jennings. Asa and I along with our fathers and our Uncle Graham attended those Ipswich Town football matches.

Well, out of the trees, Asa send me an email that he is also a singer-songwriter who has his first album coming out next month. It is another excellent piece, and I am no just saying that because he's family. His voice is similar to that Maroon 5, without the pop beats. His rhythm is more like David Martin, who I also wrote about earlier this year.

He definitely has a great future ahead of him. He is extremely talented. I am only surprised he didn't tell me sooner or we would be doing this sooner dear reader. So keep an eye and an ear out, he working toward a UK Tour and I think it won't be much longer until a US Tour either.

Here is a single from his forthcoming album titled: "Tomorrow"

and also "with the jones..."

Also The Review is keeping an eye this week on developments with the EPPI-Youth Study Center issue going on East Falls.

Also we'll be checking in with Skin Radio and see what changes have been going on in their sphere.

Roxborough High will be having an open house tonight, hosted by that famed politico, State Rep. Kathy Manderino.

And what bank is changing their tag line...?

This and more of that will be in next week's edition of The Review...

"Your Majesty, you look just like the piss boy."

So today, I heard the news about how City Council might raise the fine for public urination and defecation and that most of the pertinent testimony came from Manayunk.

But apparently, there is other conduct going on in public that I have not been aware of. That there has been public displays of fornication. Since I heard about this news early in the morning before my work and second breakfast afterward, my first thought as a single male bachelor was: "Why haven't I been invited?"

But all kidding aside, I admit to a modicum of rowdiness in my college years and plead the fifth amendment in doing anything untoward and now was a person charged with security of a Main St. establishment, I agree this behavior is atrocious. I hope I wasn't as awful and petulant as some of the people I've met at the door at my bar during my days at Dear Ol' State.

And on the issue of public sex, as a horny teenager, that may have been exciting to me once, but now seems crass and quite filthy. This isn't the fifty yard line at Beaver Stadium or the Pattee Stack folks, can you kids wait til you get back to your overpriced apartment? I mean how drunk, desperate and horny of an exhibitionist do you have to be to get lucky in public. Now, I really understand why State College 'townies' dislike Penn State students. Fortunately, Manayunk does not need a large student population to keep its commercial districts thriving.

Hopefully, have more on this story as it progresses.

Back in the black...and stopping "The Great Wall of Manayunk"

We are coming out fast like Lando and the Falcon out of the Second Death Star in Return of the Jedi. After a quite interlude this summer, the residential Alliance has been striking back at the evil Empire of corporate developers and arrogant and inebriated students. (Boy that Star Wars marathon on Cinemax may have gotten to me but its not a bad analogy.)

Since this week has a certain Main St. flavor let's start with the developers. Residents gathered yesterday to the Green Lane Bridge to let people know about the zoning hearing today. Many people have plenty of questions about the building design and its impact and many of them are still unanswered.

Many gripes had about the buildings ascetics I think are moot. It is really the issues of who will be the new residents, why condos, and the impact of additional traffic.

Traffic is a big issue. On my way to the protest, it took me 20 minutes to travel down Green Ln. between Silverwood and Cresson Sts during the morning so-called 'rush' hour. I hear it takes longer to get to I-76 if you take Umbria St. or Leverington Ave.

Apparently, Venice One is not the only residential building going up on the island in the near future. It is one of three such projects for the former industrial island.

In the past few weeks, my own view of the project has changed on the subject. I thought of first of supporting it (until I found it is one of the three projects, rent out of my range, etc.). Then I cynically thought that no matter what it is going up. (which it may still might.) and now I believe there is something that can got there.

I respectfully disagree with Mamma Q on putting single family dwelling on Venice Island. I think that only mitigates the problems a condo projects glaringly has, primarily being flood plane issues.

After speaking with some residents the issues that really impede development in Manayunk are small streets and lack of parking. I also add an additional point lack of recreational activities for children and teenagers. So what I think would be best for Venice Island is a multi-story parking lot for Main St. shoppers and a skate park for those wild and woolly youth.

Primarily, my thinking is, since it would be nigh impossible to widen streets in the Yunk. A multi-story garage would be a boon to the street providing a place for shopper to keep their car. It would be a good revenue source for Manayunk for decorations, maintenance, etc.

A skate park could make Manayunk a youth sporting mecca, with the future addition of boating and water sports. It would be a place for those young skateboard enthusiasts who seem to be annoying their neighbors with their clattering boards.

A safe place for children recreation is also a strong selling point in bringing families back to the Yunk, which could push out all the in-filling student population.

Just a thought really? what do you think?

October 19, 2007

Weekend Whirligig...Express Edition

Another slow yet important week for the heroes of The Review.
Again Mr. Duong and his musical abacus will be performing tonight at the Flat Rock Saloon. Anyway, here are your usual suspects,. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .
I am going back to doing whatever is it is I'm supposed to be doing around here.

October 12, 2007

Weekend Whirligig...

So here we are again folks, slow week so here's a the rundown.

First this weekend the Delaware Valley Opera Company , are having a costume sale this weekend at the Hermitage Mansion. So if you haven't found a costume yet or like charitable causes or both check out this event.

Also it is Manayunk Second Saturday, and in honor of October, this event will have a Harvest festival flare throughout the day. Events include dessert tasting, best recipe, sales, and music.

Speaking of Music, Skin Radio, will be having their Fall Arts and Music Festival in Pretzel Park on Saturday as well.

Anyway, here are your usual suspects, if you not interested in any of these wonderful events. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .

October 11, 2007

Loads of winners from 'round here...

Remember when we mentioned that Fox 29 was doing a contest called their "Hot List". Yea, we forgot about that one too. Thankfully, viewers of that particular station made sure to vote for their favorite. Here are some locals places that took top prize with a little added commentary.

Winnie's LeBus - Best Breakfast. We love Winnie and her staff. Probably some of the most friendly and helpful staff in the business. She has been a big supporter of us that many of The Review's articles hang on the walls of the converted old mill building. The menu is excellent and we personally vouch for the mimosas. (The secret is they use fresh squeezed orange juice. SHHH!)

Minguzzi's Pizza and Pasta - Best Pizza - First we have to say. We know the people at Minguzzi's are hard working people. They have been most generous to The Review in past. But we have to disagree with the people on this one. I personally believe Alex's Pizza still to be the best. But they were not a choice. Second, I saw some guy complain about quality. While this complainer was drunk, he certainly knew his pizza. "Ask him [The Owner] if they use Grande Mozzarella, I bet you they don't. Grande is the best quality. I bet they get this cheese from Restaurant Depot." IN VINO VERTIAS, eh?

The Bayou - Best Wings. This one tears me in two. The Bayou, while having great wings, and believe me I know, I had to competitively eat some against an Dutch Sumo wrestler named Hans. I am a big fan of Moriarty's, who placed second in this category. But since The Bayou is the home team. Well done, Bayou. (I came in last place in the eating competition against Hans and another opponent.)

CJ and Eck's - Best Neighborhood Bar. Never actually been here but I hear its good place to go. Besides they hold the meetings of the Ancient Order of the Hibernians and the place still stands. If it can survive the impact of the Irish, it must be ok.

Feativities Events - Best Caterers. The absolute best in their field, I have to say I don't think I have been to a better party when they held their open house at the facilities on Domino Ln. Meryl and Nady have been racking up awards since they started in the business and show no signs of slowing down. You can read about that party here.

B&B International Cigars - Best Cigar Store. Found in both Manayunk and Chestnut Hill, this store is one of my personal favorites. It is also a win for the underdog considering that the B&B crew beat out cigar store giants Holt's and Black Cat Cigar companies. So very well done to Brian DeCesare, BTO, Parker, Harris, Terry, Joanna and the rest of the crew.

So what are you waiting for. Get out there and enjoy these popular favorites before they go away.

This is a Drill, a fire drill...

Last night, Member of the Philadelphia Fire Department's Engine 39 and Ladder 30 Companies with help from Boy Scout Troop 114 handed out fire safety literature to residents on Fountain St. The city-wide fire drill is part of National Fire Prevention Week which seeks to reduce the number of fire fatalities and injuries down through raising awareness.

October 10, 2007

Scenes from the Harvest Festival , Part II...

Tried getting these up yesterday but had tons of technical difficulties. If you missed the Harvest Festival, here is a glimpse of some of the fun we had.

October 5, 2007

Weekend Whirligig...UPDATED

And welcome back to the Weekend Whirligig.

UPDATE- This Sunday, check out Gorgas Park for the annual Harvest Festival. The festival will have a multitude of things to do and food to eat. It's a great way to support your community. I will also be on hand helping out with things such as selling tickets and anything else John Boyce needs me to do

And of course, our man, David Duong , the one man Tokyo Jukebox is back in business entertaining the new crop of college carousers. So drop on by the Flat Rock Saloon on Saturday night for some good tunes, food and music. Recently, FRS owner Bob recently go zoning permission to open an additional floor, so that means more space for hanging out at one of the best bars on Main St., Manayunk. WHOOT!

Anyway, here are your usual suspects. For Grape St., click here. For Kildare's Manayunk, click here . For more Manayunk-Roxborough places, stop here .

Remember, because of changing calenders through history, Oktoberfest actually ends this weekend and don't forget to toast Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig (later Ludwig I) and his wife Therese for bringing this holiday to everyone.

Additionally, we are always interested in hearing your stories and tips about watering holes and talented entertainment. You can comment or even stop by the Flat Rock. Look for the well-dressed bouncer.

This week in Our Town...

So this week has started quite tragically.

As readers probably know, a woman was killed on Ridge Ave while trying to cross over at Green Ln. This intersection does have a traffic night but is also quite busy. This marks the second Pedestrian death on the Ridge Ave. business corridor. The third death, this year.

On the development front, The Manayunk Neighborhood Council has decided to oppose the Venice One project. The 280 unit development would be built on a flood way on the old Mrs. Paul's Factory/Arroyo Grille/Carmella's site. Residents worry about the flooding, traffic, demographic and also aesthetic issues.

And thirdly, teenagers and others are contributing to the decline of the quality of life of the Dearnley Park area, residents want action.

For all this and more check out The Review on Oct. 10.

October 4, 2007

Business is business...

Been at meetings all day yesterday and have a few interviews today. I will have an update on the goings on in the neighborhood later today. Amuse yourself with this piece, my freaky darlings.

October 1, 2007

Obiligatory posting...

This is the only gear we had in the office. But we felt we had to show our support for our Phightins and support reading so in the end everyone wins. Go Phils!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scenes we like to see...

Apologies to "Mock the Week". But here are a few pieces from the fine art show at the Hermitage Mansion.